How can I become a sponsor?
Please contact any member of the Education Committee or of the Executive of the Association to indicate your willingness to sponsor a child.
“A young mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
By helping to develop a young mind you are investing in the future of your country. Please help someone who is less fortunate and at the same time help your homeland, SVG.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Toronto Inc.
P.O. Box 80066, Don Valley Village P. O., Toronto, Ontario, M2J 0A1
Adopt-A-Child Program
The St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Toronto inaugurated the Adopt- A-Child Program in 2008 by sponsoring one student each from the Spring Village Methodist School and the Evesham Government School. In 2013 another two children, one each from the Tourama/Overland Government School and Fairhall Government School became the second set. The purpose of the program is to provide financial relief to the students to assist them through their years at primary school as it is felt that a number of students fall through the cracks and do not perform well at this age if they do not get the assistance with food, clothing and books.
Each student is sponsored for five (5) years at Cdn$50.00/month or $3,000.00 in total. A local committee including the principal of the school along with two community personnel oversee the distribution of the funds to the student and monitor the welfare of the student to see that he or she attends school and performs adequately.
On November 15, Gideon Exeter, President and Ewan Odel Lewis, a retired Board Member of the SVGAT visited both students at their respective schools in Fairhall and Overland to make the presentation of funds for the final school year.
 Student Fredique John and Odel Ewan Lewis |
 Fredique’s mother - Ms. John, Fredique, Odel Lewis, Gideon Exeter, Principal Mrs. Morgan-Peters |
According to reports received from both schools the students are doing extremely well and the principals credit the financial assistance that they are receiving for their performance.
 Sehrrian Baptiste |
 Gideon Exeter, Principal Moses Stay, Odel Lewis, Sehrrian, her mother and sister |
The Association is hopeful that it will be possible to sponsor other children for the next five (5) years starting from the 2018/2019 school year. If you would like to help in sponsoring a child either for the whole amount or a partial amount, please contact any member of the board.
School For Children With Special Needs
In August 2017 the SVGAT coordinated its third annual Toronto Harbour Boat Cruise in conjunction with the Toronto SVG Support Group and it was determined that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the School for Children with Special Needs in Kingstown. On November 10 E. Bernard John and Gideon Exeter representing the two organizations visited the school and presented a cheque in the amount of Cdn$2,400.00. The school and students expressed their gratitude for the contribution and wondered if the groups could help them organize a similar fundraiser in SVG.

L – R: Nichole Exeter, Gideon Exeter, students of the school in yellow shirts, Mrs. Samuel of the SFCWSN, E.B. John