St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Toronto



By-Law No. 1

By-law No 101


By-law Amendment 102 - Notwithstanding Clause:

Motion: In accordance with the powers vested in the Board in the By-Laws of the St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Toronto Inc. Section 63 dealing with amendment of the said by-laws, it is moved that Section 2 of By-Law 1.01 be replaced with the following: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2 of By-Law 1.01, a general meeting of the Association may be convened, provided that all members were informed of the meeting, and 75% of the financial and honorary life members present at a meeting called to discuss the business of the Association support a resolution to proceed with the meeting.

Adopted at the general meeting for May 27, 2018.


By-law Amendment 103 - Election of Vice President and Public Relations Officer

Revision to the By-Laws of the St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Toronto Inc.
In accordance with the provisions contained therein under the heading “Amendment of By-Laws”, Section 63:
It is moved that By-Law 1. Section 43 dealing with officers of the Corporation as shown below, be amended to include the election of a Vice President in addition to the President, Secretary and Treasurer from among themselves.

It is moved that By-Law 1. Section 43 dealing with officers of the Corporation as shown below, be amended to include the election of a Public Relations Officer in addition to the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer from among themselves.

Adopted at the Annual General Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 2019.


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