St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Toronto

Fred Phillips

1932 to 2005

Freddie was a great brother and a friend. He was second in line of his siblings.

Freddie was the one you could always turn to for advice. He was the one who could keep the family going with laughter when there was a family gathering. He was very independent, single minded and fair in his dealings with all, whether in the family or otherwise.

Born in Belair, St. Vincent on March 27, 1932, he had a stint as a primary school teacher, then as a trainee dispenser, and finally as a police officer before he left St. Vincent for England about 1959. There was an interesting story to his leaving the police force. The Chief, instead of accepting his resignation, fired him. When he got to England he wrote the Colonial Office and complained. They saw that his resignation was accepted and ordered the Chief to send his back pay to him and all else he was entitled to. It was a precedent to all future officers who wanted to leave the force.

He left England and went to Canada in 1967. He thoroughly enjoyed it there. Fred died on November 17, 2005 following a period of illness. True to form he made a tremendous amount of friends. It was evident at his funeral and from all who called and in other ways have been in touch. He was a member of and served as President of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Toronto in 1975. He was at much at home in Canada as he was in St. Vincent.

I could not emulate him in the way he could have fun and enjoy himself. He had a full life. The only time I had real fun being in St Vincent since we have been away so long, is when I have gone with Freddie. He loved his home land very much and would have retired there, if circumstances were different.

He left 5 sons. They I am sure will carry on the Freddie's legacy. We all miss him. The family consoles itself that he has chosen the FATHER who has accepted him. It was evident in his surrender to CHRIST.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share. I could not say enough of a dear brother whom I loved very much. The cliché is that words are not enough to express it all. I know my sentiments go for many.

Submitted by David Phillips, Esq


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